Baking Tool Love
My friend Jenn was recently stocking her new kitchen with cooking tools and she asked me to give her a list of “must-have” items for baking.
As I began writing the list, I realized I have collected a lot of baking tools. I always feel like I’m getting a new toy when I buy one! I never thought I needed odd-sized measuring spoons or a scale until I started baking. I’ve had to start storing all my baking tools in other parts of the house because there isn’t room for all of them. Needless to say, my “must-have” baking tools list was long.
I was impressed therefore with Rachel Miller, a pastry chef and food writer in Phoenix who was able to get her must-have list to JUST five. Her story, “Five Must-Have Pastry Tools” that ran in the Phoenix New Times was right on. I have all five of her favorite tools (sharp knives, zester, a bench knife, a scale and an off-set spatula) and indeed, they are quite handy to have.
But five, really isn’t enough, so I decided to create my essential baking equipment list on the top of my blog called, “Baking Equipment.” Check it out.